October: 24, 2024, Maggianos

Annual Hygienist Night Out

Time 6:00-8:00
Credits 2

This event is by invitation only. If you have not received an invitation and would like to be added to the wait list please email shiloh.king@austinoms.com

Looking forward to seeing you all on October 24th for FUN..FOOD..DRINKS..PRIZES..&…CE!!

This event is designed to be educational, but it is also a “Night Out” for Hygienists. Please be courteous to others and keep conversation down to a minimum during the program. We look forward to seeing you there!

Please keep AOS updated if you are not able to attend, so others may have an opportunity.

The Battle of the Microbiome: The Synergistic Relationship Between Oral Health & Nutrition

“You are what you eat’ is attributed to nutritionist Victor Lindlahr in the 1930s, emphasizing that idea that food has a direct impact on health. Humans need a balanced intake of both macronutrients (such as proteins, fats, and carbohydrates) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) for overall wellness, including oral health. Oral dysbiosis caused by a loss of microbial diversity, increased presence of pathogenic microbes, and a loss of beneficial microbes culminating to periodontal disease is becoming a challenge to treat. Science is mounting surrounding biofilm and resistant pathogens, leading to clinician and patient frustration. This presentation will offer a comprehensive exploration of the connection between nutrition and periodontal health, providing practical information and strategies for oral healthcare providers to integrate into their toolkit. Participants will gain knowledge on how to “feed and starve” the oral microbiome will cover information on vitamins, xylitol, pH, antimicrobials, essential oils, and nitric oxide in the context of periodontal health.

Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to:

  • Identify specific vitamins and nutrients that feed a healthy mouth
  • Understand the dimensions of antimicrobials and their alterations to the microbiome
  • Recognize the gingival inflammatory process and how it feeds pathogenic features of the oral microbiome
  • Distinguish specific oral hygiene ingredients that may hinder or help difficult cases

Anne Rice, RDH

Anne has been a clinical dental hygienist for over 30 years, is a speaker, writer and consultant. She created Oral Systemic Seminars in 2017 which she now devotes her time, focus and study primarily to dementia prevention. Anne received her preceptor for the Bale/Doneen method and is a Certified Dementia Practitioner. In 2020 Anne became certified as a Longevity Specialist with the Alzheimer’s Research and Dementia Foundation, is a Fellow with The American Academy of Oral Systemic Health and in 2021 published her manuscript Alzheimer’s Disease and Oral-Systemic Health. Her column for RDH magazine focuses on oral systemic health and on the 2024 editorial advisory board she is also on the AAOSH advisory board. Anne has consulted with Weill Cornell Medical Center’s Alzheimer’s Prevention Clinic, Florida Atlantic College Center for Brain Health, and the Atria Institute.